Let the insanity begin.
I'm pregnant!
The excitement after trying for a year and a half is just too much to take. I'm going to have a tiny new chubbly baby...a whole new beautiful life...a glorious little bundle of joy! A little brother or sister...holy smokes, I'm gonna be a mom to 2.
Clearly I am out of my mind. If I'm not crazy now, I'm on my way there for sure. What was I thinking?
I'm going to be...outnumbered.
My mind jumps back and forth between these two extremes about ten times per hour. The crazy hunger brings the joy and anticipation of the new life within, then the lower back pain from hell kicks in and reminds me that I will be the minority in eight months. One mom, and two crazy children. My husband would make us equal, but since he works, I am left at a disadvantage. Ten hours a day, all alone with two kids who will surely duct tape me to the bed while they raid the kitchen for cookies and chocolate, tar and feather the cats with maple syrup and ketchup and a fluffy coating of bran flakes. They'll use hair gel and sharpie markers to create a masterpiece on the TV and computer screens. They'll stuff peanut butter sandwiches and bananas into the hole on the front of the subwoofer and shove cheese slices into the DVD tray. And then, like good little monsters, they will un-tape me just before their father returns from a long hard day at work, and act as if they are truly innocent, making it look as if I just sit at the computer chatting on CM all day, letting the children run wild like monsters.
Ok..so in reality I figure it can't be that bad, but what do I know? I'm just a mom of one. I keep hoping if I imagine the worst, I can be blissfully surprised when my children turn out to be mild mannered and sweet with only the occasional tantrum and mischievous act. I mean, it can't be that bad, can it?
Wait...don't answer that.
The excitement after trying for a year and a half is just too much to take. I'm going to have a tiny new chubbly baby...a whole new beautiful life...a glorious little bundle of joy! A little brother or sister...holy smokes, I'm gonna be a mom to 2.
Clearly I am out of my mind. If I'm not crazy now, I'm on my way there for sure. What was I thinking?
I'm going to be...outnumbered.
My mind jumps back and forth between these two extremes about ten times per hour. The crazy hunger brings the joy and anticipation of the new life within, then the lower back pain from hell kicks in and reminds me that I will be the minority in eight months. One mom, and two crazy children. My husband would make us equal, but since he works, I am left at a disadvantage. Ten hours a day, all alone with two kids who will surely duct tape me to the bed while they raid the kitchen for cookies and chocolate, tar and feather the cats with maple syrup and ketchup and a fluffy coating of bran flakes. They'll use hair gel and sharpie markers to create a masterpiece on the TV and computer screens. They'll stuff peanut butter sandwiches and bananas into the hole on the front of the subwoofer and shove cheese slices into the DVD tray. And then, like good little monsters, they will un-tape me just before their father returns from a long hard day at work, and act as if they are truly innocent, making it look as if I just sit at the computer chatting on CM all day, letting the children run wild like monsters.
Ok..so in reality I figure it can't be that bad, but what do I know? I'm just a mom of one. I keep hoping if I imagine the worst, I can be blissfully surprised when my children turn out to be mild mannered and sweet with only the occasional tantrum and mischievous act. I mean, it can't be that bad, can it?
Wait...don't answer that.